Wicked blood splatter & colors! This foal is scaredorable!
Wicked blood splatter & colors! This foal is scaredorable!
Their leaning makes them even more d'awdorable. Likin' the thickish lines, too.
Oh my!
Dude your sharpie finesse is somewhat unfathomable! I can't even believe it's there! Like that's something that was made! Wow! Very *very* nice.
Thank you very much :)
This conceivably looks like it could be part of the animation, work with after effects and make it so that each frame looks as beautiful as this, please.
I had seen some of your stuff on Kotaku and I wanted so very bad to purchase the Piranha Piranha plant, (although, even if it were for sale, I surely couldn't apprehend the funds to do so). Either way, your sculptures are badass, and if ever I had enough money, I'd shell it out for some of your stuff.
Photoshop Filters
Photoshop filters do not make art.
lol aw, Well I drew this, scanned it outlined it and put textures on it. I used some gradient maps and used the cutout filter to make it more organic. Id like to think this is art, as much as anything else is. Photography for example is literally just capturing something you've seen. But eh to each his own right? :D
Some sweet skills.
You have them.
Thx :)
Just because she has big tits doesn't mean it's art or a good drawing.
Its part of her character, girl contrary to popular belief do like to have big boobs, otherwise breast implants wouldnt exist. The breasts are far and away the least important part of the drawing.
plant based veggie musik
Joined on 5/4/05